Wednesday, May 28, 2008


This week I am talking to the children about nature, in particular trees and plants, and it has made me think of the difference in nature between Brazil and England. The plants we have in England and consider to be house plants, grow here in the gardens and forests and are much bigger and brighter. I have always liked to be in green surroundings, but never really taken too much interest in nature, however here I find myself regularly taking photos of the wonderful nature to be seen here in Brazil. The brightness of the plants, reflects the attitude and personality of the people, who are incredibly warm and always have a smile on their faces, no matter what their situation. It always amazes me to see people living in houses with no windows, doors, paint or beds, but they all have a smile.

I guess it must be the sunshine.

Although it is spring going on to summer in England, for me it is autumn going on to winter and the wind is starting to blow. Not always a good thing if it is a cold wind, but I do enjoy falling asleep to the sound of the huge bamboos bashing against one another outside my window. With that and the noise of the sea breaking on the shore it is a wonder I ever get to sleep, but actually these noises are a real comfort and lull me into sleep. I can not really imagine the day when I will return to England and not fall asleep and wake up to the sound of the sea.

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